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AudioConferencing New   Find out why Chorus Call is right for you

Managed Video Services

A report by Forbes tells us that “humans process visual information far faster and more aptly than text or audio.” And, relative to audio conferencing,”62% of executives agree that video conferencing signigicantly improves the quality of communication. In addition, 50% of those surveyed believe video conferencing also improves the degree of understanding.”

This is why chorus call gives you the option to conduct your next ‘Investor Relations’ call via ’Managed Video Services’. Its the same audio service you may have used for years beforebut now in video, with the support of ‘Video Specialists’! When you’re doing an important meeting like

  • Investor or Industry Analyst Call
  • IPO debriefing with institutional investors and analysts
  • Environment Sustainability and Governance Calls

You want to be sure it is the best that it could be. You want to make sure its a rich discussion, with a seamless, glitch free, high quality video interface, so you can focus on nothing but the content of the meeting. Let Chorus Call handle the technology and everything else.