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AudioConferencing New   Find out why Chorus Call is right for you

Voice Drop

USE ‘Voice-Drop’ for High-Definition-Recording on the secured Chorus Call platform, with assistance from trained specialists. Its quick and easy. Dial out to upto 20,000 participants all at once!

Generate reports. And only pay for successfully delivered messages.

You can send a simple reminder:

  • Have you filled up the ’Travel and Expense Report’ for the last quarter?
  • Remember you can win a 10%+incentive on new launches placed in the shop!
  • Seasons Greetings : Happy Diwali! This is Amitabh Bachan speaking, and I’m delighted to wish you personally!
  • Re-inforce company goals or objectives : are you ready to hit 1000 tons this month?
  • Communicate HR policies : Have you enrolled your parents or insurance cover under the new perks announced by HR? Don’t forget, do it now!
  • Or crisis communication: We will remain closed until further notice given the on-going rapid spread of wave 2 of Covid19.

Use Voice Drop – because a high quality pre-recorded message delivered at the right time, can inspire, inform and even spur action from thousands in the team!